"It sounds good, Austin. A piece of tech like that wasn't available to me in my service. The less you know about what I did, the better, but I won't stop you digging." Lucas said, knowing full well as a former SEAL, Austin could maybe make two and two connect. He did have an awfully good reason for being called Trident, after all. Blasting through a four way junction, he kept an eye out, watching out. "You would be surprised about rats, you can turn people really easy if you hold something very dear. Coercion isn't too bad. I had this one guy, Ivan. Low level dealer, pimp. I applied enough voltage to him, and took his girlfriend hostage. Bad, I know. But I know he cared for her. So he fed me the intel for these labs, pointed on a map. He never knew me, of course. Voice changer and balaclava as a combo do work wonders. But he knows he gave the game away, and his girlfriend came back as clean as I promised. The guy is alive, but I did some really, really bad shit to remind him. I am watching, or so he'd like to think." Lucas said, looking out, then back at Austin, before turning a corner. "It's tricky. But it's knowing what they have to lose. Social Engineering. It's easier to manipulate people by taking something they thought safe, and making them do all the work for you, rather than trying to force yourself in. And here...well, let's say that even Russians aren't like the Taliban. They betray you, you're like a ghost, not them." He added, as he adjusted the sun visor, the sun still rising a little over the east, as they headed back to Austin's repair shop. Pulling round the back, Lucas sat back, looking to the bearded repairman come fixer. "I'll call you when you're needed. Tonight, I might need you for a quick favor, but keep those components in mind. Once it's set, we'll act on it, immediately. If I don't call you in the next four days, or vice versa, I'm going to assume that one of us is dead. Start asking too many questions over the phone, and I'll know that we're finished- because it will be because someone has a shiv to your throat. Watch your back, Austin." Lucas simply said, as he shut the passenger door, nodding to him as he drove away, heading back to his office.