[color=ec008c][i]'He was a good man, he didn't deserve this. I know you two were close Baker, but you must show restraint. People could get hurt if we retaliate.'[/i][/color] The mayor's words echoed in Baker's skull as he walked out of the public office and deeper into town. A man was dead. A good man. One that had only tried to do the right thing and protect the people he cared about. The town that he lived in. And what had that gotten him? A bullet in the heart by some brigands. Sure, that was just the law of the land out here sometimes, but not in Solomon. Not when he was in charge. [i][color=ec008c]'He always wanted you to join up with him you know. Be a deputy. Get some more manpower so he wasn't doing it all himself. That's also why I can't have you act rashly here. You're one man, do you want to bring these outlaws in full force down upon us? Think rationally about this, Baker.' [/color][/i] The Mayor had called him in earlier to talk about the state of affairs in Solomon. Even now he was thinking back to their words. What had happened. The town needed a new Sheriff, but Baker wasn't sure he was up for the job. The mayor agreed with this sentiment, but all the same the mayor wanted him to look into this. He needed to find out what the outlaws were after, why they had gotten so bold lately. Amidst it all, Baker just wanted to put a bullet into the man that had killed his friend. If he had to go through every single outlaw in this side of the country to do that, he had didn't have much of a problem with that. --------------- After a few minutes of walking, Baker caught wind of some ruckus from the saloon. He saw a few citizens leaving in a huff. Some were scared, but the others were perturbed. He moved towards the saloon as he overheard a conversation. [color=00aeef]"...first they killed the Sheriff and now they're taking over! Just you watch, before long they'll take over the whole town![/color]" One of the former patrons cried. Were they here? Was he really that lucky so quickly? Only one way to find out. Baker moved into the saloon and took a glance around. They were several interesting characters here today, but he couldn't quite find the ones that fit the description he wanted. As he looked towards the bar, he noticed the bartender was keeping a watchful eye on a group of rowdy men in the corner. [i][color=9e0b0f]'Bingo.'[/color][/i] Baker thought as he approached the table. Yep, these were the guys. They must have been the ones who had run the other group of people out. He hoped he was right, otherwise he was going to cause a scene for nothing. [color=9e0b0f] "Gentlemen, happy hour's over. Get out."[/color] Baker said. He wasted no time on an introduction or more clever dialogue. His voice cut through the conversation the outlaws were having before they sneered and then snickered at the men. [color=1a7b30]"Who are you, new Sheriff? Didn't you hear what happened to the old one? Beat it."[/color] One of the men chuckled as he reached for a bottle. Instead, Baker picked it up first and examined it. [color=1a7b30]"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"[/color] The man stood up from his seat. Baker glanced down at the bottle and then shot a single glance back up at the man. [color=9e0b0f]"Last chance. Get. Out."[/color] Baker said. The outlaw was a little bit taller than Baker and certainly smelt much worse. Still, Baker showed no signs of fear. The outlaw cracked his knuckles and moved forward. [color=00a651]"Now listen here you little sh-"[/color] The man's curse was cut short with a sickening crack and breaking of glass as Baker brought the bottle across his skull. The man was knocked cold onto the floor as a bloody mess of cuts was left where the bottle had impacted. Baker took a step back and looked at the table of remaining outlaws. [color=9e0b0f]"Next?"[/color] He said. And with that, it was on.