[b][u]The Boy[/u][/b] [b]"Thank you."[/b] He said as he took the clothes. Annalee had walked off and left him alone. He pushed open the door to the bathroom and stepped inside. [b][i]A few minutes later...[/i][/b] [b]"Ahhhh, this is nice..."[/b] He said lazily as he laid back in the bathtub. It had been a while since he'd last been able to use one, he'd built up a lot of dirt on his skin. After scrubbing it all off he was free to enjoy the rest of his bath. It was nice and warm, a feeling he missed most of the times he travelled. After enjoying the bath for a few moments, he sat back up and got out. He towelled himself off and slipped into the spare clothes Annalee had given him, they were soft compared to what he usually wore. He bundled up his discarded clothes and headed over to the living room. [b]"Where should I put these?"[/b] He asked her, approaching her from behind.