I finished my impressions and it was way more difficult than I expected XD So I ended up spending more time on it than I had thought. That's okay though, @everyone, let me know if you'd like something changed/added/removed. I hope I'm not 100% off 0.0 [hider=”First Impressions” of Katerine] Jacques Perrot [i]Jacques well, when he's around I get kind of nervous. He can get angry really quick and he has no tact to speak of. Maybe I'm being oversensitive here but sometimes he's more animal than human. When we do speak I'm careful with my words. I don't tell him half the things I see when I read for him because he'll probably get pissed off. To be honest I don't know how Ruben puts up with him.[/i] Ruben Perrot [i]Ruben is the complete opposite of Jacques and maybe that's why I like him better. I can tell he genuinely tries to be nice and I appreciate that. I'm at ease when he's around and that's not easy for me, so go figure. I don't know much of either brother's backstory but I've always wanted to know what happened to Ruben's leg. [/i] Mahmud [i]He is extremely nice almost to the point where I would have thought he was acting, but he is really like that. I remember when we first met, neither of us started the conversation but somehow we started talking. We spoke about nothing in particular and like many of the members of the Resistance I don't know him that well. I do know that if I don't pay attention he's very easy to miss but now that I think of it that could just be his power.[/i] Piper Hannah [i]We've met once and I felt self conscious right away, it's not that I have no confidence at all but next to her it barely exists. I don't blame her though because that's just me. Actually I admire how she can be so confident. I can tell she's not afraid to die and while she doesn't have an outright deathwish, she's waiting for it. I wanted to talk to her about it, to see what she has to say. There are more people counting on her than she realizes. [/i] Wendy Wang [i]Wendy well she's too nice for her own good and I suspect she gives way more than she receives. Altough she does have ten years on me so I won't say anything about it, it's not my place. I think her power is incredible and I can't help but think what would have happened to my mother had I known Wendy before. She may have been able to help her, but I'll never know that for sure. [/i] Naomi Mendez [i]Naomi is really clever and most people, including me may not have suspected that. She is loyal to her family and spends most of her time with them, so I haven't seen or talked to her a whole lot. I would probably do the same if my family was part of the Resistence. [/i] Jeff [i]I know him best out of all the members of the Resistance. Despite that I have a hard time figuring him out. He stands up for others despite being introverted and I want to know how he does that. It is as if his need to protect other people makes him forgot all about it. I could really learn from him.[/i] Phoebe Evans [i]She is still in her teens and I see a lot of myself in her. I feel she looks and acts more happy than she is. I don't know her backstory but she must have been through some traumatic stuff. It still floats around her aura like a thick gloomy cloud. I've seen it bring her down and I want to help her but I don't know how.[/i] Kayin Okoro [i]Kayin is someone who I would have been afraid of but I've been through some though times when I was taking care of my mother. The drugs she had to take changed her personality too and Kayin reminds me of that. I know she didn't ask for it and I feel sorry for her more than anything. She rarely seems to find rest and while I'm not a therapist I'd like to think I can help her, with what I've been taught.[/i][/hider]