Upon hearing his name, Gelato suddenly turned away from Kota to look toward the fighting arena, his name had been called out, it was his time, finally to fight, though he couldn't help but feel worried, as his stomach growled the longer he stood still. Gelato let out a chuckle, taking the black mini top hat off his head, the dinosaur taking off his white chef like suitjacket at the same time, before comically dropping them into kota[@corruptedshadow]'s hands with a large smirk, the albino white and light pink scaled Giras spoke up. [color=f49ac2][b]"Looks like that's me! Hey, be a good sport and hold these for me, would you? Don't forget to cheer! Going to need all the moral support I can get when I go fight this little guy!"[/b][/color] With that, Gelato flexed, building up his confidence before he stomped into the arena, listening to the cheers of the crowd wanting a entertaining match made him happy, he could give the crowd what they wanted, and not only that but build up a fanbase, small sure, but some fans would be better than none, at least! Gelato roared, causing a trembling echo to boom from his maw, which only sought to excite the watching small crowd further, and after pleasing the watching collective of different viewers, Gelato grinned, turning his head toward who appeared to be Napalm, a strong looking individual, with what appeared to be gloves coated entirely in some sort of tarish liquid, but before Gelato could question him, the man punched both fists together, igniting both of his gloves ENTIRELY in flames, which like moths of a flame, pun intended, made the crowd roar in anticipation. "So... Cha happen to me my opponent, eh fatty? Nothin' but an' overgrown, t-bone steak! I'l knock ya' out inna couple o' moves and chunk ya' procine ass outta the ring fasta' than ya' can rush to a' all ya' can eat, buffet! Kekekekeke~!" Gelato frowned, and poked his pot bellied stomach, tilting his head at the mans interesting speech and at his words, wondering if he was trying to insult him or if he was saying something completely different, but instead of waiting, the huge dinosaur spoke up, smiling cheerfully. [b][color=f49ac2]"Uh... c- come again? I didn't catch what you said...! Could you repeat some of that? I- if it wouldn't be too much to ask, ofcourse!"[/color][/b] Napalm grimaced at Gelato, causing the well maintained, fire fisted man to clench his fists tight, yelling at the top of his lungs so that even Gelato would be able to hear him, ready to charge at the giras with all his strength, insulting the Giras as to try and make him lose his guard. "Grr... I SAID YER' A FAT, FLIPPING FOOL YA' DUMBASS DISTENDED DINO!" To napalms surprise, Gelato was able to hear what he said, but hearing it was not what bothered him, Gelato's expression busted into a massive smile, as if the insult thrown at him was actually complimentary! A thin blush pushed past the Giras' slightly round cheeks, stuttering with his words as he spoke, wings flapping in shyness, and in a rather odd fashion, his huge tail flapped around to the front, which Gelato hugged, feeling embarrassed from what he perceived to be a friendly remark. [b][color=f49ac2]"Aww~! You mean it? You're not just saying that? Nobodies ever been so friendly to me outright before!"[/color][/b] Napalms mouth opened agape, dumbfounded at the actions and words of what Gelato had to say, but the only noise to come out of his mouth was a muffled plethora of confused mumblings followed by a single noise. "EEEEEH?!" Gelato controlled himself, whilst letting his tail go, before getting into a battle ready stance, the ring under him cracking from the weight of his large form. Gelato proudly smirked. [b][color=f49ac2]"But I'm not going to go easy on you just because you complimented me! So get ready to defend yourself, okay, Napalm?!"[/color][/b] Napalm could only scream in sheer rage before firing off ahead toward Gelato, flames coating his gloves he quickly appeared in close combat with his foe, without skipping a breathe, Napalm fired a punch toward his enemies stomach, however, Gelato wasn't so quick as to simply allow a free hit to be dealt, and so immediately pushed his arms out into a defencive block, easily taking the firey punch to the arms, his strong bones and thick scales able to easily reduce the damage he would have recieved were he a little more flimsy. Gelato then in a surprising turn gripped napalms wrists by twisting his large clawed hands, holding him at his mercy. [b][color=f49ac2]"Sorry about this...!"[/color][/b] He apologetically spoke, before the massive Giras reared his head back and send it straight into napalms face with the driving force of a massive ton hammer, the connection made broke Napalms nose in the process, causing him to let out a grimacing grunt, unable to fall due to still being in Gelato's grip. Mercifully, Gelato let his foe fall, but before he could hit the ground, Gelato smirked, he knew Napalm wouldn't be out of the count so soon, something quick and easy? No, he knew he was being tricked, and to counter act, Gelato raised a leg up and drove it down, intent on stomping on his foe. Napalm had seen it coming, and before he could deal significant damage, the quick fire fisted male rolled out of the way, backflipping onto his feet on as moments notice, before delivering a punch straight into Gelato's gut area, only to find his fist rebounding effortlessly off it. "Gah, fine, If I can't go for the front, I'l head for your back!" Strafing to the left, Napalm laughed and proceeded to go for the Giras' blindside, however before his fist could make contact, Napalm felt a sudden heavy weight slam into his side, As Gelato's tail smashed into him, knocking the oblivious human onto his stomach. [color=f49ac2][b]"You know uh... I have a tail right? Big one? Pretty heavy! But hey, nice try! But I need to move onto the next round so...!"[/b][/color] Gelato nonchalantly walked over to his opponent and lifted him up by his legs, roaring, he started to spin his human foe around like a toy in a childs hands, twirling and twirling him around several times until suddenly letting go with a powerful shout, and as he threw his foe, he launched straight into the air, before falling back down at twice the speed he was launched. With the crowd cheering, Gelato decided to make the finishing blow, charging up strength in his fist, ready to strike as he let out one focused pummelling strike, which as the human was about to land connected, sending Napalm by the force of the dinosaurs fist hurdling out of the arena, causing Gelato to become the victor from ring out. Gelato proudly drummed his plump abdomen whilst he flexed victoriously, roaring once more for the crowd before walking off back to the fighters section, grinning at Kota[@corruptedshadow], hoping he enjoyed the fight, while taking his stuff off his hands, wearing them again. [b][color=f49ac2]"What did you think? Pretty cool, right?"[/color][/b] Before he could get an answer however, Gelatos stomach grumbled once more like it was on a timer, which made the Giras clutch it in comical agony. [color=f49ac2][b]"B- but m- maybe we should go look for something more edible though...! I'm famished...!"[/b] [/color]