[center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmPAlirrJIQ][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2015/056/d/5/___foxy_in_the_left_vent____by_lllrafaelyay-d8jigrr.png[/img][/url] A loud clang echoed through the office as the flashlight bounced off Foxy's face and clattered across the ground into the hallway, stunning the fox for a moment as the frightened guard attempted to escape through a vent. In the darkness behind Josué, sparks sputtered out of socket that was once Foxy's ear as he quickly closed in. The fleeing guard turned. The open jaws of Foxy returned his gaze, growing closer by the second as Foxy violently scrambled across the floor, clawing and crawling his way in pursuit. The screech of grinding metal cried out from Foxy's already scarred and dented body as his lower half scrapped over the ground. The sounds were accompanied by buzzing servos, robotic screams, and the crash of Foxy's hook as it swiped at Josué's legs.[/center] --- [@TheBrightestEyes] (don't feel bad. The point is to have fun. :] )