Kazuma stared at the captain, a mix of puzzlement, intrigue, and woundedness; though he could understand his odor not being ideal at the moment. He cleared his throat and straightened himself out as best he could, before crossing his arms over his chest. "Excuse me miss," He began with an overtly mock offended tone, "But normally beautiful woman don't sniff me until they've been invited to do so." Kaz took a look around at the ridiculous crew, all making a first impression like that of a looney bin. That breakfast he had been offered sounded fantastic though, and he had quickly responded to her with an enthusiastic "yes Please." There was a pause. "And what are you all doing on my bloody ship?" It wasn't until he asked the question that the haze of the alcohol dampening his memory was lifted. Suddenly he remembered leaving his old ship, getting wasted, and following a wolf around town. Still not sure how he ended up in a closet on their ship, Kaz just offered them a friendly smile. "Right, sorry... You're not by chance in need of a Navigator are you?"