[quote=@Double] OK, not gonna lie, loving the Ben Grimm vibe (seeing the word clobberin' seriously made my day), but I would personally tone down the invulnerability a bit since it sounds there's no feasible way to stop him should he ever go on a rampage, which is a bit balanced unless I'm missing something, in which case feel free to correct me. [/quote] Going to assume this one was actually aimed at me and you just put the wrong name by accident since it makes more sense that way. ^^; Anyways... Hmmm, yeah, I was a little unsure whether I was making him come off as too invulnerable or not. Hmmm... If I threw in something he has a vulnerability to (say, lightning or something) would that work? Or should I just tone it done a bit so that he's still a lot more durable than everyone else, but to a lesser degree?