[color=ed1c24][b]Anything you want me to fix, just let me know.[/b][/color] [b]Name[/b]: Lance Furlong [b]Age[/b]: 57 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Ethnicity[/b]: Canadian, Caucasian. [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider="Lance"][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/331/e/3/old_warrior_by_famorphing-d4hg0f5.jpg[/img][/hider] Stands at around 5'9 and weighs 195 pounds, his body being mostly muscles with the exception of a few sagging wrinkles around his abdomen. Nevertheless pretty impressive for a man who is close to retirement. [hider=Confidential] [b]Alias[/b]: Shepherd [b]Costume[/b]: As one would expect from 50 + year old man, Lance isn't so much about theatrics as he is about functionality. That's why his vigilante attire mostly consists of a [url=http://images.esellerpro.com/2296/I/779/3/swat_mask_khaki_1.jpg]ballistic face mask[/url] and a [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/splintercell/images/2/23/Kestrel_Revenant_Suit.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140203022853]tactical operation suit[/url], courtesy of his friends over at CIA. [b]Meta-Human Power[/b]: [i]Enhanced Strength[/i]; Due to his exposure to the chemicals, Lance underwent through a significant change in agility and strength. His fading natural strength got amplified about four or five times more, giving him the ability to effortlessly lift a dining table with only one of his hands. His agility upgraded to the point he could give the world's fastest gymnast a run for his money, and he has now enough stamina to wrestle two bears at the same time. If you need a concrete example, think MCU Captain America, only less tolerant to falling from high heights. [i]Keen Intellect and Eidetic Memory[/i]; While not even certain if it's a superpower, the blast may have also affected Lance's then already decent intellect and may have stretched his memory storage. He can now learn new languages in a couple of weeks, remember trivial things after being subjected to them for the first time, things that your average human wouldn't be able to notice that fast. He is also pretty much able to recreate in painstaking detail any area that he has visited after he got his superpowers. Lance is also renowned to be a thinker, capable of devising strategies and uncovering enemy weaknesses in a short amount of time. [b]Weaknesses or Side-Effects[/b]: While he made it out of the blast injury-free and with no third leg or some similar mutation, the blast triggered his PTSDs and enhanced their influence. Now, whenever he has a bad dream, a flashback to a terrible experience or something of the like, he gets a terrible headache which might distract him and result in his demise, depending on how heated the situation is. [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: For a man who has been to hell and back, you'd expect Lance to be some sort of a grumpy, get-the-fuck-out-of-my-lawn type of guy, but surprisingly he is quite the opposite. Probably regarded as his greatest natural ability, Old man Furlong is mostly notable for his eccentric and somewhat charming behavior, choosing to face all the obstacles coming his way with a smile. He also cherishes fighting other metahumans that equal or surpass him in terms of battle capabilities, and never refuses spars. However, once he deducts that a certain person is capable of great inconvenience, he won't kid around and will do his utmost to remove said person out of the equation. That's when his cold and calculating persona surfaces. He also suffers a great deal from the horrors of his past, but makes an effort to hide his disturbances most of the time. As a former spy, he doesn't follow any code of conduct and shows antipathy to those who do, arguing that there's no place for rules in a war zone. Also, due to mostly being the person with the most experience, he feels somewhat inclined to give advice to his young colleagues when he notices they're straying away, something which happens a lot in his line of work. He also possesses a strong sense of humor to correlate with his unusual attitude. [b]Background[/b]: Born in Vancouver, Canada in 5 March of 1958, to a family of butchers, Lance had a life expectancy of about four years. His family faced constant harassment from a local gang which were running an extortion ring. One thing led to another, and fast forward to 6 months old Lance moving to Louisiana with his mother, shortly after his father's murder by the hands of one of those gang members. Their first house was a small, abandoned farm which her mother restored with the help of a couple of friends she had made on the way. After giving the farm it's previous glory, they managed to sell it and bought a small house in Modern City, Georgia. Adoring the place's peaceful nature, Lance became attached to it, participating in several pro-environment movements and shooting down his Mom's suggestions to move to another place. At the age of 18, Lance was told the truth about his father. Up until then, he was fed a bittersweet lie; that his father had died in an unfortunate car accident. Upon being told the truth, young Lance worked double jobs just so that he could collect enough money to go to Vancouver and visit his father's grave, and also perhaps interview people close to his father about his death. While there, he found out that his father's killer was alive, but had turned into a hermit due to suffering from a bad case of Parkinson's. Lance, much to the others' chagrin, decided to confront his father's killer and make him suffer for his sins, but managed to hold himself back after witnessing the man had become impotent and was suffering enough. He decided to end his stint and make his way back to Georgia. Following his return in the United States of America, Furlong's potential and his shenanigans in Canada piqued the attention of a CIA handler who was willing to turn Furlong into a killing machine and incorporate him within the ranks of the Special Activities Division. While he underwent through grueling training, his frequent meet-ups with his single mother kept him from falling apart and helped him maintain a rather sweet disposition, for a man specialized at doing wet work. At the age of 35, he had accomplished over twelve missions out of a total twelve, giving him the unofficial title of 'master assassin' and making him a legend in the world of espionage. He retired at the age of 45. While enjoying his retirement one day, he witnessed the chemical explosion and was subjected to them, although he was reasonably far away, managing to make it out without any injuries but a heart scare. He was pleasantly surprised upon discovering that his strength was enhanced, but was displeased at the way how a relatively peaceful city was tearing itself apart. So, he decided to take measure, donning his old CIA costume and using the callsign "Shepherd". [b]Other[/b]: [list][*] He possesses a [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Koalorka_H%26K_P30L.jpg]H&K P30[/url] which he sometimes fits with a [url=http://www.floridaarmory.com/image.php?type=P&id=731]suppresor[/url]. [*] A [url=http://www.sogknives.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/780x320/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/s/o/sog_m40t-k_1.png]tactical SOG blade[/url] for close combat. [*] A [url=http://www.thewarstore.org/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/M/K/MK17CQCFDE.jpg]customized FN SCAR Assault Rifle.[/url] [*] In terms of travel, he rides a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fe/20/c7/fe20c79fee4089a22ec547dd63aa9ac3.jpg]1975 Honda CB400F.[/url] [*] He has yet to fight a metahuman who matches his heightened senses. [*] His mother, Francis, lives in a nursing home in Modern City, aged 75 years old. [/list]