Kraikiran-Irodien Event Update #1 [@eemmtt] The massive and ancient Kraikiran nestship gave no reply. The Nestmother AI could not receive transmissions, and neither could it transmit messages because its multiple communications array had been sabotaged. Instead, when it detected the unkraikiran-shaped vessels approaching it, it misconstrued the objects to be asteroids on collision course due to its limited programming. So its antiquated (by Kraikiran standards) ADS cannons began swivelling around, pointed themselves at the ships and opened fire. A few were already destroyed over the near-two centuries of the old sleeper colony ship lumbering through space, so there were blind spots in the ADS (Asteroid Defense System) coverage. Kraikiran-Ryukyu Event [@ClocktowerEchos] Another Kraikiran sleeper ship suffered a far more thorough sabotage; the radicals of many eras ago knew no bounds. One after another the thrusters of the ancient starship had fizzled out. The ship's AI was hacked and programmed to cancel their burn sequentially, resulting in a serious deviation in the ship's course. This major deviation was made worse by the navigation subsystem of the AI being forced to take a random trajectory As a result, by the time 170 years had passed, the ship was nowhere near its destination, and was instead drifting near a random system, spinning out of control. Yet its ADS system remained effective enough to compensate for this constant change in orientation. An asteroid approached only to have its guts punched right through, exploding into fragments unseen. The ship had become an unintended time capsule, for it was built to last its content's grandchildren's grandchildren. The odds were that no one will ever open it. However, odds were odds... Kraikiran System, Niven, Millenial Square "Today marks the anniversary of the worse space disaster in the history of Kraikiran civilisation." A grey-feathered spokesman, shrivelled up and so weak that he required an exoskeleton to even stand, did not so much as speak but narrated, as if this *certainly* wasn't the first time he'd done this. As it turned out, he was a famous bicentenarian (by terran years) who had seen the dozen sleeper ships take off to parts unexplored, "12 pillars of fire took 33600 up the sky, and three of them fizzled out of existence in just a tick. Those we held close to our hearts, gone in an instant. It excited even the best and brightest from all corners of Niven and Trigen and the moons of Kiren and Qookara, but no help could be rendered with any reasonable chance of success. Those 8400 lives were not the only lost. I remembered the rash of suicides that resulted from this. I remember a dearest aunt I had, whose mother was part of the final war. So haunted by the tales of death and destruction that plagued our worlds was she that the very thought of kin and kith dying, or worse, drifting out there in the endless void was too much for her."