Belle watches as the door of Artyem's room opens, and as Penny shoos quickly and quietly, a smart move from the robot. She blinked, shutting the sense-link to Penny off, before Artyem and his drone walked in. Paying attention to James, Belle decided to treat this as she would a gang back at home, a home she feared to return to. [i]I have to help someone out? Barely a punishment, though orders are orders.[/i] "Sir, yes sir." She says, then turns on her heel, beginning to walk off of the bridge, not even casting a glance to anyone else. When she walked out, she give a high whistle. A few more steps down the corridor, Penny landed on Belle's shoulder. "Hey, hun." Belle says, walking to where Ramia (and now Huzuni) was. "Hey, I'm here to help." Noticing that something had happened, with Ramia looking a little angry, Belle cocks her head. "You okay?" She asks, walking over.