GM character (might show up a little...) [b]Name:[/b] Michelle Frederique Jameson [b]Alias:[/b] Jackhammer [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Normal clothing attire would consist of ripped jeans, boots, leather jackets and shirts. [b]Powers:[/b] As far as Michelle is concerned with her powers, it is a "hit them hard" thing. When she punches people, she can force more power into the punch than normal. This works with bats and other objects as well. The force that she pushes into her target through the hit is expanded tenfold. Her punch can become as powerful as if someone was hit with a baseball in max velocity. Under usual circumstances, Michelle can kick down a door with ease, stop cars with a punch and with a little effort even kick them aside. The problem with her power is that her body has to be able to take the initial impact between her and the object. The one time Michelle tried to stop a car with a punch resulted in more than a few broken fingers. Her whole arm was dislocated, broken in multiple places and even partially crushed together. [b]Bio:[/b] Michelle lived in a happy little family in a small town in Quebec, Canada. Her teenage years were calm and comforting and many of her friends were fond of her. Her powers did not develop until her senior years in high school. She wanted to safe a person that walked across a street and a speeding driver was not paying attention. She dashed forward, hugged the co-student and tried to punch the car away. The car stopped, most of the engine block was squashed in and her arm was just as demolished. It took her the rest of the year to heal off the arm and then another year to finish high school, because of missing classes and the inability to properly write with a crushed arm. In the end, though, she got her graduation done. She had spend another year working a small-time job in a restaurant and saved some money for College, at which point she was actually asked to join the Grinder. She did not realize until then that her ability was an actual mutation, but accepted the offer nevertheless.