[Josive] Josive watched as Bella entered the cafeteria and started looking around for a table, before turning back his attention to William and the other's sitting with him. He then heard Bella sit down, and ask about the announcement. "Uh, yeah. Not sure about the questioning. No idea what they would get out of it, it'd be better if they just talked too that kid there." Josive said, looking back over at the kid with William as Bella glanced over too. "Yeah tat's the missing kid. One of them anyway. Why isn't he on Lyoko like Aelita was? Think he got out on his own?" Josive asked Bella, turning back too her as he spoke. {William} "Yeah... uh... no problem." William smiled at Garsin. He then looked down at his tray and started eating his own food, just as Sam entered the room and sat down next too them. "Oh, bumping into me? That's alright. I was in a little bit of a hurry anyway, I should have been looking here I was going." he said, waving his fork as he spoke. "For both of you anyway." he said, looking at both Garsin and Sam. William continued eating his food, slowly allowing his head to drift off too the other tables. [i]Wait, her!?[/i] he thought to himself, nearly choking on his own food as he saw a girl sitting at another table. He coughed a few times, pounding on his chest as he did so. "Sorry to bolt like this... but... I've got to go. They probably still have more questions for me, you know, after being gone for so long." William said, quickly picking up his tray and standing up.