Hey, everyone! Sorry about my sudden disappearance. I accept the OOC's lack of activity was probably because I vanished without a word. Long story, short: I had no power for a little over a week. Great fun. Ghost Shadow sent me a PM letting me know he'll be unable to continue with the RP due to real life responsibilities. I'm going to send out a PM to everyone else and see where everyone's at. I'm also going to try to bring us back to being (what we consider) active, and I'll finish off those posts people are waiting on. Once again, sorry about leaving you all. Hopefully we haven't lost too much interest. [quote=@Zombiedude101] Say, is this still taking apps? Really hope so because I like the look of this thread. [/quote] As of now, we are. Post it whenever you can and I'll have a look at it. If you have questions or anything, PM me or ask it here - everyone's helpful. [@DJAtomika], I've added more to the post. Also, [@Gowi], I left the end of my part open for David to appear should you still want him to. Just have him knock at the door, walk in, etc. [@McHaggis] and [@Jinxer], I've written bits for the posts. I'll let you all take over for now.