[b]"Savior" Cruiser Captains Bridge[/b] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/307/8/0/qr_space_cruiser_by_talros-d6sxpdb.jpg[/img] From there the captain could see how the new alien fleet returned without even responding to the messages sended to them , it was strange but at the same time it was useful demonstrating that all the planet can be united in the given circumstances , now there was no fall back in Rathlar , it was going to be united once for all , these new event gived reasons to the UNR and the ICOR to be united , moments before the ship received a transmission from the alien ship stationed in space , it was like a program the crew didnt knew what to do with it , but the captain trusted this alien program and decided to let it run , in a few moments the program maked some words in the screen of the captain , it was clear what the other ship captain tried to say to them and so he responded. [i]"We thank our help , but since there is no fleet now , we would gladly accept your ship in the international Station so we can make a formal first contact , dont worry about the fight moments ago , now that is over thanks to the strange fleet".[/i] [b]UNR HQ in Rathlar Great Hall[/b] Moments ago the ICOR leader seated to speak with The Representative of Rathlar , all the people around them speculated about what could they be talking about , wharever how ended their conversation could change the world in one way or another so everyone keeped quiet and expectating.It happened 1 hour until they both stoped to speak and then The Representative walked to the podium with a happy face. [i]Me and the ICOR leader have discussed about the future of Rathlar , in order to achieve both the unity and the stability we have decided the next.Rathlar will be united in only one goverment , but all countries will be free to vote in a great assembly againts anything that the UNR could do or to support any action.This is for now and possible forever will be the way of goverment in our planet[/i] with this all the presend standed up and applauded the new goverment of Rathlar which now could be called real , the celebration will be in three days. [b]Experimental Laboratory 052[/b] [i]Doctor Tahl.-Experiment 5310[/i] [i]Following the experiment 5224 and 5309 , i was able to create something similar like a warp bubble , the range is limited but the site of experiments 04 , say that it recovered a strange piece of paper in their report and following the recent events of alien contact we think that is very plausible that the warp bubble is factible and i think that in a few months with a lot of help from the goverment and the other laboratories we will be able to create something capable of sendind to us to the stars[/i] [i]"Nice Report",spoke the Representative impressed about the work of the Doctor Tahl, "We should finance something like that , its true what he said about the warp and we could see it with our own eyes with the transmissions of the space , i think we need it , our new friends could not consider sharing their tech with us so this is a alternative" Days later the Doctor recieved a lot of support and money to help him in his research , in Rathlar support and money was in good quantities since the end of the war [/i]