Raa saw the towering titan bearing down on him and the undead rising from the same earth that the elemental came from. But there was something odd. Pointing to the elemental for emphasis he instructed upon the others. "Its evil, it is wholly evil! You two, tag team it, flank it and keep it off balance, I'll deal with the undead." He charged past the evil elemental, perhaps even 'counting coup' as he banged it with the back of his haft but bearing to not get his blade stuck in its earthen embrace. While paladins are often the front line against evil, if he stood toe to toe with the elemental they would be pounding each other for hours. No, let the other two work it down while he took on the undead that a lesser cleric could turn or higher fighter could grind throug. Thankfully, he was both. "RETURN TO THE EARTH!" Four words, a simple command, but with the weight of the world behind them. Between the orcish ferocity, the power of faith, and the weakened bonds of the attempt to dispell the undead sent half a score away to shamble elsewhere. More than half but less than all, that still left the unlikely of the chosen against eight-to-one for close quarters. [i]~Oh well, you cant spell Mielikki without melee!~[/i]