[b]Name:[/b] Drust "Dru" Royle [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Ethnicity:[/b] African-American [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SFeJbaE.jpg?1[/img] Drust is a tall and lean young man of African descent. Due to this, his skin is dark or rather light in color. He has a sharp nose, large brown eyes, and full lips. Ontop of his head is soft, black hair, edged and cut close. He has a rather short face with semi-angular features and round cheeks. A unique trait of his is his eyebrows, as they are thick and wild. He always has a teardrop pendant around his necklace, tied with a pink, thick, string. [hider=Confidential] [b]Alias:[/b] King Thermal [b]Costume:[/b] None for now. [b]Meta-Human Power:[/b] As his name suggests, he has control over the two extremes of nature itself. In his right arm he holds the power of flames, red and terrible. In his left, he holds the power of ice, both cool and un-moving. In other words, Thermal Manipulation. [b]Weaknesses or Side-Effects:[/b] A mutation has taken root in him due to these powers, his entire right arm becomes charred over black in very suffocating black plates. On the other side, his left arm becomes black and near frozen when his powers are in affect. No one side is capable of being used without the other. Too much of his right side and he starts to burn up, too much of his left and he begins to freeze. This two powers in extended uses could very well lead to his death. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Not so dependable or trustworthy, Drust, like any other teen was content with living second to second. Though his mind was constantly plagued with the dreads of the future, he was always too complacent to deal with his immediate problems. He does however, carry a very free air about himself. Unrestrained and rather reckless, he's always felt a need to be in the center of the spotlight. A very dangerous trait when living in Modern City, Georgia. [b]Background:[/b] Besides the disappearance of his father, Drust had a rather average life. Living on the fringes of middle class America, he's been well for most of his life. However, around the age of 17, he rebelled against his strict mother and live-in uncle. The two of them was quick to toss him out onto the street. Normally, this would have been a terrifying experience. Which it was for the first two days but something, rather unremarkable happened on the third. He saw a helpless kitten trapped in a metal trash can on a rainy night, its cries for help drew him from out a glass bus stop he took refuge in. When he reached it, he found himself capable of, without any lectures or hindrances, of saving the kitten. The following weak he spent his time tending for it and despite his best efforts of saving it, watched it die one night. In his numbness he realized that he had the freedom or was unchained enough to save that kitten. To give it another week of life. Since, he's valued his freedom. And though he sought understanding from his mother and uncle, he respected them from then on. Years later he found himself strolling along the streets to honor his freedom. One night, he took a cab near the docks, just to appreciate the scenery. But instead he was met with a horrific sight and scary outcome. A explosion that blinded him and sent him to the hospital for several days. It was bad, because though he was warned to not be so close, he took in hand his own freedom, and made a foolish mistake. When he awoke from the explosion, the vista of his right arm being on fire and his left one, as cold and pale as ice sent him frantically into the streets. A car exploded soon afterwards. When he awoke again he was in the hospital. He spent several days there before being released. He was dodging school the day his powers emerged again. He still has yet to decide what to do with them. [b]Other:[/b] None for now