[img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs24/i/2008/008/e/0/Soul_Lifting_Purification_by_the_panpiper.jpg[/img] Ask you shall receive. Though threats were waved. Like the brushing of a moth, off the shoulder of one's robe. The Heavens were not a place for the Dark Gods. Though Powerful each one in their own right, the will of the Eldest was far more powerful than whatever it was Darko could muster. All it took was a little push, and the celestial space in which the council chambers sat would come to the aid of its servitors. The cosmic radiances focused their beams upon Darko as he stood, their lights concentrated uponthe darkness of his cowl to reveal him and his wickedness. To which the storm of storms began to swirl, the shining splendor and will of the First. A system designed to kep the Dark Ones out of the Heavens for the Guards were merely there to keep the Mortals from overthrowing the Gods one more. "Ner'zhul." X spoke a name. Not just a name, so casually used, nor with any title to be added as he had often done with his fellow gods. No, this time he had opened his Ledger, a finger glazed over the sacred ink which marked the letters of the name, "be Silent." It was not of X to use his book so freely, the Ledger of Apotheosis was used last to cast of amongst them out, and perhaps it was the same book which would grant the Fallen his divinity back. Yet when X begins to use the true names, names of power, of being and hidden things, one had best thread with caution. A simple utterance and then one's godhood could be erased. "Ner'Zhul cannot listen to the whispers if Ner'Zhul speaks too loud." Some awkwardly thrown in quip in a rather awkward syntax. Yet, there was a need to keep using Darko's name. "Ner'Zhul demands truth, yet deals in death. Seeks answers, ends life. The Truth Ner'Zhul comes at a price, all truths do. The Underworld throne below will be empty, Ner'Zhul joins the Light here. Life and Death were linked, but Death has conquered Life itself. For this the Light of the Creator will send Ner'Zhul back before the Throne is lost, but this punishment was not the worst fate. By the new star, Ner'Zhul shall find a new ally, but will lose a Throne. Go now Ner'Zhul, before the Creator whispers the wish to damn Ner'Zhul to know Death itself." With a spectacularly cryptic explanation of an already strange prophecy, X was the worst possible person to come seeking for answers. Darko had made a miscalculation in expecting that the former God of Knowledge would do anything more than make a complexity easier. To add layers between the words, to speak the truth but conceal it within the riddle. All things were true, or technically true as X was the keeper of truths, yet what he had revealed to the assembly was only as much as they could deduce for themselves. Never a direct answer for the indirect god. But those clever enough amongst them could figure it out. Darko had indeed left his realm to join them, and so X had spoke of this. But more so, was how Darko would find a new ally, at the cost of his Throne. Focus on the past for a moment and see that X spoke of the events in the Clash of the Gods, on how One was punished beyond all others, bound in mortal form and set to walk the earth. A former ally of Darko, bringer of death who without life, had disrupted the cosmic balance. From there, it could be gleaned that X prophesied that Darko will join the Gods of Light once more as the One to walk the earth comes. But of course X could never say this in such simple terms, he was bound by the secret. And with those words, did the Light cast Darko out of the Heavens as X closed his Ledger. "Those who wish for peace, must prepare for war."