Petey was one of the last Spider-men to get topside as he had to put his suit back on with quite a bit of difficulty. Once the Spider-man was suited up he quickly headed for the portal with a fury in his heart and the capabilities to exact his fury upon the goblins at large. Steel began banging his mechanical legs together making a loud clanging sound which attracted the attention of a few sentries who came barreling at him. He didn't like his odds against a brute but his extra arms would definaty come I'm handy when fighting the multiple weaker goblins. As the sentries came close they began tossing pumpkin bombs his way to which he responded with the smacking of his mechanical legs. He used the legs to deflect a brunt of the explosives and used his normal legs to run from the others but once they had gone off Steel used his spider legs to catapult himself at the sentries who we're headed in his direction. In a flurry of spider leg swipes the sentries were sent flying from their crafts and as some tried to escape, Petey used his web shooters to yank them back in his direction in order to release his carnage upon them.