[h2][color=maroon]Spider-Rogue[/color][/h2] [color=maroon]"We don't have time fo-"[/color] Spider-Rogue shouted but was interrupted by a white clad Spiderman. It was a good thing too, he honestly felt a argument would have sparked from his disagreement. While the other Spidermen spoke, he fell into the drone-like state of half-listening and half bracing himself for the battle. He could feel his hands tightening, clenching onto his skin as his heart thundered forth. [color=maroon][i]This is it. No mistakes and no clanking up. All I have to do is take down as many of the enemy as I can. And perhaps save a couple people in the process. I was chosen for a reason, I'm sure someone out there must believe in me.[/i][/color] Spider-Rogue smirked before pulling his mask over his face, the usual temper and sarcasm falling on his face as he ran and leaped into the portal. [center][b]* * *[/b][/center] A sweltering heat passed his face on the other side. He looked on with horror at large and dark columns of smoke. The screams of citizens, the buzz of Goblin Gliders, and shaking of the mess going on below all became a despairing soundtrack to him. His spider-sense guided his hands as he flung a string of web and himself onto the wrecked surface of a skyscraper. He instinctively avoided the broken window pane and held tight to the surface a cracked on. [color=maroon]"I know they said the party had started without us but..."[/color] He gazed down on a oblivious Brute below as it flipped a car over and stomped down the single street. Enraged a bit, he prepared to attack but his spider-sense ticked him off to an assault from above. Just before the knife hit him, he flipped over to the next pane and shot a string at the Goblin Glider above. Using it as a anchor, he swung around the building and up onto its roof. Then with a yank, he sent the Goblin down towards the brute. The explosion rocked the building and sent another, dark, column of smoke into the air. Spider-Rogue walked to the edge of the building and crouched down onto it, leaning over the ledge. [color=maroon]"No more Mr. Bad Goblins. Its time to put the kiddies to bed,"[/color] he barked before swinging off towards his next target.