[center][h1]Ribald[/h1][/center] Well, well. What's all dis' gubbins den. Woops, wrong accent. Anywho, Ribald might be a little up shit-creek without a paddle, considering two abnormally large wolves were squaring off in front of him. Honestly, his chances weren't good, he was sure the bigger one, now deemed Biggun', had seen him, but had chosen not to act upon it. The white one, now deemed NotasBiggun', was fortunately preoccupied with this Mexican standoff. None of them was content in making the first move which did Ribald no favors. He could just play the part of innocent bystander, the dumb mundane human act. Something along the lines of, [i][color=00a651]Oh, golly goodness, oh lowdy doncha hurt me, ya devils. Ah just wanted a meal for tonight with Fido the German Shepard o'er here, please don' hurt us.[/color][/i] Wow that sounded more racist that it should have, its not even the local accent! Or he could wait for a fight he wasn't really sure would happen, and take out the weakened victor, and get two prizes. The only probably with that fight is Biggun' catching on to the plan and getting 'NotasBiggun' to gang up on him. And then there was option 3: Liberal application of experimental chemicals that may or may not cause severe unintended side effects... He like 3, but he'd need to be really subtle-like to pull that off and honestly that wasn't his strong suit. To make it worst Biggun' occasionally shot a glare at his direction and would probably tip him off to NotasBiggun' soon. He needed to act quick, and he did what any rational man would do, wait it out, adn hope for the best. [center][h1]Willard[/h1][/center] Willard trudged along the sidewalk, just trying to clear his head. Recently finding about an unknown population of Werewolves kinda drives an old man's heart rate up and the whole deal with Claudia just wore him down. Even now, he sorta regrets getting up in her business, but that kid was suffering, always tired or stressed never really smiled a genuine smile. She was holding on to a heavy burden that shouldn't have been placed on her in the first place. Willard's wandering took him to a local square. A peaceful fountain, in the middle of town. He'd come by here occasionally to feed the birds, or chat up with the other relics of the past (hah!) He noticed a lady resting on the bench he usually sat on, and being a man of tradition and habit opted to just take the seat beside her rather than taking another bench. [color=f7976a]"Morning, sorry for the intrusion."[/color] He smiled and took to his seat. [@ViolentViolet][@Arista]