[b]Name:[/b] Amadeus Cross [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] He stands at 5'8, with a muscular lean build. His hair is jet black, short, and messy with a rats tail that reach's his lower back. He has silver eyes, but they are often covered by his bangs. His casual clothes are a long sleeved black shirt and tan cargo pants. [b]Kingdom:[/b] Earth Kingdom, Originally from the Sky Kingdom [b]Personality:[/b] He's a shy and formal person, addressing people as sir or mam when meeting them. Only talking informally when he talks to friends. He'd rather talk to someone one on one then in a group. Although smart and skilled, he has little actual experience compared to others his rank. Amadeus is a very logical person, but if his ally is in trouble, he'll throw all rationality away in order to save them. [b]Post Bio:[/b] Amadeus is a soldier of the Earth Kingdom, a young aspiring warrior that thinks things through before taking actions. He's a strategist at heart, valuing information over anything else. He's well informed of almost all documented monsters. His hobbies are cooking, reading, and looking for books he has yet to read. He dislikes the thought of acting upon religion, hating the thought that a higher power has a plan for everyone and that you should stick to that plan. He's unliked by most other soldiers, due to the fact that his quietness is mistaken for cockiness and that he was promoted easily despite his age and previous nationality. [b]Equipment:[/b] Over his casual clothes he wears his metal armor with black accents that consist of a small chest plate, greaves, and gauntlets. On his lower back, he possesses the sword Pride, a black, one-handed, single edged, long sword that cancels any magic that touches it back magic. It is one of a set of 7 weapons said to have been created by a demon. [b]Abilities:[/b] His armors lightness gives him great mobility. He is knowledgeable in elemental magic as well as sealing and protection magic. He also has a hidden power that he doesn't like to use. Before missions, he changes his gear to compliment the mission. [hider=Short Story] Amadeus steadied his breathing as he leaned against a tree, trying to hide from the beast that was chasing him. The cold night breeze hit him as he calmed himself and looked around the corner to catch a glimpse of the monster chasing him. The beast was humanoid, having dark green skin and stood the same size as as trees around him. [i]'A Giant?! No can't be, Giants don't inhabit forests, especially forests this close to civilization. Orc? No, he's to big. Ogre then, must have accidentally got seperated from its clan. It must just be a baby according to its size.[/i] He silently unsheathed the sword on his lower back, ready to strike. [i]'I only have one chance at this, lets make it count![/i] He swiftly left his hidding spot behind the tree and ran strait for the monster. He readied his sword for an upward slash as he held his left arm out, beginning to chant as he did. "LUCIDARA!!!" He yelled as a bright flash of light shot out of his palm and into the beasts face, efficiently blinding it making it lean forward. [i]'Ogre's aren't good with sudden light, their eyes adjust to quickly and it disorientates them.'[/i] He thought to himself as he finally arrived right in front of it. He jumped straight up, aiming for the small part of the neck that ogres are weak at "DIIIIIEEEEEE!!!" He yelled as Pride cleanly cut the young Ogres durable flesh. The sound of the Ogres cry as it was decapitated filled the air of the otherwise quiet forest. Then the comparitivably quiet sound of its head falling to the floor in perfect syncronazation as Amadeus landing on the ground was heard, followed by the small shake of its body collapsing. Amadeus looked at the monster on the ground and sighed in relief as he repeated the words he told himself every day, "Analyze the situation, Uncover the enemy weak point, and Execute the attack." He sheathed Pride and began walking back to the city, thinking about the events that led to him being in the forest at night. "All because I had a craving for blueberries." He said as he looked to the pouch at his side that held said berries. [/hider] I'm still kinda new to this so please be patient with me