Lino stared up at the gates of the big school standing in front of him. There were a few police cars parked outside, which made him nervous, but for now the officers seemed to be too busy to care about him. Certainly no one would care enough to figure out where he was now. The officers hadn't even been able to get an ID of him before he managed to get away back in the States. [i]So this is it then,[/i] Lino thought. [i]This is where Bella was sent. At least it doesn't look too shabby.[/i] He wanted to see her, just to assure himself that she was doing okay even though he wasn't ready to face her quite yet. And then after that he would have to find someplace safe to stay for a while. With all the officers around though, it was probably not a good idea to try to go in through the front gates if security procedures were the same as in the US. Instead Lino walked down the sidewalk passed the gate, then turned into the woods surrounding the side of the campus. After making sure that there was no one else around, he quickly clambered up the side of the wall and stumbled onto his feet on the other side of it. Now inside the campus, he wandered down the path among the various buildings. He wasn't sure what any of them were though, since he couldn't read the signs posted by the doors. Lino noted that there were a lot of kids just standing around and talking though. [i]Odd, they should be in class now by this time right? It's Tuesday if I remember correctly, should be a normal school day.[/i] Maybe it had something to do with all of the police officers hanging around. That was surely not normal. He caught many snippets of conversations, but nothing he could understand. He had taken Spanish when he was in school, not French. Getting no where, Lino sighed. [i]I guess I should just hang around here for now until I figure something out,[/i] he thought, taking a seat on a nearby bench, out of the way enough that hopefully no officers would notice him, but close enough to the main area that he would be able to see most of what was going on.