I was riding on a bus, I had been riding on it throughout the night. I kept my gaze outside of the window the whole time. Wary for any signs of danger. I had been running for a long time now, and now, this Nova Academy... it could be a safe haven. For a little while, before [i]he[/i] found me. I was tired, but... I could suck up one day without sleep for a nice warm room and a meal tonight. I had walked from the bus stop in town holding a black rolling black case, an archery case, and a rectangular metallic black box on my back. Keeping my head down, I made my way to Nova Academy on foot. I soon arrived and gazed at the school. "How long will I be safe here...?" I wondered. I noticed a few people outside, took a deep breath, and then tried to put out an unfriendly air about me. I didn't want anyone to get close to me. They couldn't get close to me...