"Please, 'clan' is better than 'ninja', 'spider-clan' if we have to be specific." On came the mask and he fell into his training, taking the extra web shooters just in case he entered the portal to the sewers. Dropping into the muck, he started to smear some slime onto his backpack to start hiding his scent as he took out his ninja tools for combat. "So, what you guys say, divide and conquer, clear more ground to find our comrade faster, though we kinda have to deal with goblins single handed as well." "Two by two, Neo and Silk, Murdock and me. We keep teams and double ground coverage. I assume for scanner purposes, we were not given radios to communicate with." This suggestion should be met with less opposition as he was not placing himself with the only woman, it should assuage any testosterone or territorial claims.