But, I remembered it now, an so Im back. Just as before my logic and grammar are determined by my level of exhaustion, and the ammount of controlled substances in my blood. This should be a seperate paragraph from here, buuut... I made this forum to desperately seek attention frim those whom I would hope might accept me into thir society of roleplaying, were it not for how angered this forums stupidity made them. You may or may not be pleased to know that I still do this all from my Iphone (yay i phones) which means im too lazy to run a spell check or bbcode properly, in otherwords this will be mostly mispelt non-worth-looking-at-for-fear-of-brain-damadges nonsense where I make words for sake of laughs and the other stuff. To those who miss me, HI IM BACK. To those who didnt: Screw you im awesome learn to have missed me, an proceede to love me hereafter (yes I will pretend to be so closeminded that I cannot fathom the concept of people disliking me, despite me growing a large crowd of haters with this post.) to people who never met me: I missed you too. Im mostly an rp villian because eventually you get sick of telling me to stop, and then the crimes I commit seem acceptable because your just sick of resisting. Long stpry short ypu will love how much you hate me. Let the forum's quake before my wrath. Many of you may have seen me in league of legends whilst I had forgetten tht I used the same password for both sites, an if you did see me, than Im sorry because im wretched at the game and we probably lost. If you were on the other team, your welcome, for it was likely through regular meals of me that you grew fed enough to solo plow my entire team. I expect you to have already honored me. Does that cover everything? I could raunt randomly about how the government is in our toasters, but Im sure ill find that in the spam folders. Wish me luck terrorizing the web.