[@Bunnita] Boo is all right now. She's accepted. I'll get right on making J&R's "first impressions" of her. I'm considering whether I should write another IC post, or wait till everyone has posted once... I'm not gonna keep having as much time as I have these days (Thursday (today) is Feast of Ascension, which is a holiday that we actually get off in Denmark and because we're such a lazy people, we just take Friday off as well), so it'd make sense to try and build a foundation for my characters while I can... I'm going to the Fair, though, so it'll be a couple of hours till I have the time to write, anyways, and I have no clue how long it's going to take me to write, so maybe there's time for people to post anyways and I'm worrying over nothing. As for the actual IC posts... I was originally not planning that everyone should have a room of their own, but since I didn't specify on that, it's my own fault. I imagined it being like; [quote]Well, people are allowed to live elsewhere and it's not like everyone has a room of their own (since it's a sewer and there's only so many rooms), so I imagine that most of them have their own little "camps". Like, for example, Kayin, Wendy, Kat and Phoebe might share one room, but they each have their own corner with a tent (or something) so that they still have their privacy. Jacques and Ruben share a "camp", so they'd have one tent (or something) and only count as "one person". Naomi and her family are sufficently large that they might have a room of their own, so they might or might not have tents of their own, or simply share the entire room as one big "camp".[/quote] But if you don't want that, then that's just fine. Like I said, it's my own fault for not specifying. .:EDIT:. It'd still be all right for Wendy to have her clinic, though. That one makes perfect sense.