[hider=Solanne Luxone][b]Name:[/b] Solanne Luxone [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img] http://elwiki.net/wiki/images/thumb/c/cd/BlazingHeartPortraitF3.png/525px-BlazingHeartPortraitF3.png [/img][/center] [b]Kingdom:[/b] Sky Kingdom [b]Personality:[/b] Bright, chipper, and just overall optimistic, if one were to call Solanne a tomboy, she’d jokingly pound them on the shoulder before saying that they weren’t doing her enough justice. Yeah, she’s one of those girls. To be fair though, her laid-back and happy persona is normally a fresh relief to all the slaughtering going on. It usually takes something truly horrendous or traumatic to dampen Solanne’s burning spirit and joking nature. Did we mention the laid-back attitude? Yes? Good, then now you know that it also takes something incredibly dire for Solanne to be taken seriously. Despite her initial cheery front though, she does admit that her life has been crappy so far with all the old warring between Kingdoms. Only the most observant and perceptive can see through her idiotic grin. Because of her own past, Solanne is dead set determined to create a future where everyone can smile freely. As such, she is usually one to put everyone, friends and allies alike, above her own well-being, sometimes ranging to levels of naivety. She is fiercely loyal to those she wants to protect and will do just about anything for them. Just don’t screw around with her trust. Unless you want a few teeth shaved off. [hider=Post Example] “Stop! Thief! Thief!” “Wha-thief? Hey, don’t you know who I am? I’m the Crimson Hound!” “All the more reason to stop you scum!” “Well, hey now, that’s no way to talk to a lady, ya know? Didn’t you learn manners back at knight academy? Or whatever you guys go to.” “That is none of your concern heathen! Come quietly or we will be forced to-” Smack. The first guard had his faced slammed by a closed fist, held still in motion. In actuality, he had ran right into it headfirst and was now feeling his nose crack under its weight. The man reeled back, spluttering to the ground as his fellow guards looked on in surprise. Solanne was no longer running. In fact, she had made an abrupt halt in the middle of the road and extended her arm into a fist. That would explain why guard number one was now sprawling on the ground with a bloodied nose, as red as the girl’s hair. The Crimson Hound caught all of their attention now with a casual crack of her knuckles. “So I’m a heathen now. I catch that right?” The guards tensed up, gripping their weapons tightly. They would not be intimidated by this woman’s confidence that seemed to bloat up the more she spoke. With a terse swallow, the second guard let out a battle cry and charged forward with his lance. The others followed behind him with their own rallying screech, leaving their downed comrade for now. Solanne sighed. “Well, I can’t you kill all. You’re only doing your job, ya know, and I respect that.” A pause. “That said…I hope you didn’t have plans tonight. Cause each of you ain’t leaving till I give you an ass whooping,” Solanne said with a smirk, rearing back to let the fists fly. Just another Tuesday night.[/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] A sword by the name of Duster. Its blade is composed entirely of hardened and purified flame and ash, sharpened to cut through a good majority of things. Solanne’s default weapon, it is also able to channel and release her fire magic to deadly proportions. [b]Ability/Magic/Technology:[/b] Apart from generating and manipulating flames, from the tiniest ember to the most violent firestorm, Solanne possesses the power to collect all moisture in the area and convert it into kinetic energy, thus producing more powerful flames. Furthermore, it leaves the targeted area weakened and fatigued, causing all the effects of liquid-deprivation. That being said, rendering all of the moisture in the air is a deadly technique that is only be used as a last resort given that it affects the user just as much as the intended targets.[/hider]