[hider= Jade Coy] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d55/kitsuneleader201/girls193.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jade Coy "The Scepter" [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Jade is an average height of about 5'5" with black hair that falls just below her hips, usually kept up to not get in her way. Her skin is fair and she has deep blue eyes that seem to never be touched by her smile. She's a fairly thin woman but what she lacks in muscle and weight, she makes up for in speed and flexibility. Her clothing style is rather simple. She would rather wear baggy, more flowing type pants that give her room to run and a white button down with the sleeves rolled up. [b]Kingdom:[/b] Water [b]Persona:[/b] Not quite as happy as she once was, Jade makes all attempts at showing no sign of sadness around those who she claims are her friends. She keeps a calm demeanor at, nearly, all times and can come off as if she's attempting to be stoic; although that's not the case. Jade likes to analyze things before she tackles them and tries to keep her head in the game as much as possible, but it can get quite difficult when someone has found a way to anger her. [u][b]Post Example[/b][/u] The sound of waves crashing against land, or something hard and concrete had always calmed Jade. Even in the most stressful times of her life. She often snuck out or simply disappeared in midday to come down to where the rocks jutted out, just beyond the trees next to the falls. It was her refuge. Only those whom she deemed worthy in all aspects knew about her refuge, and she made sure that the amount of those worthy people stayed small. Here she could toy with the water, test her limits, and think about her past. She would sit and close her eyes most of the times, letting herself get carried away by the voices in her head. All the screaming. It was the only thing that kept her from forgetting her roots; where she truly came from and who were family was. As if the scepter wasn't enough. [i]'Jade?!"[/i] Her blue eyes flickered to life as she was sucked back into reality at the sound of her voice being called out. With a long and forlorn sigh, Jade mustered the will to get up to her feet and begin to go back to her daily routine. Before heading back, her eyes scanned the waters' surface once more. It called out to her yet she resisted temptation. Instead, the young woman turned and sprinted towards a tree, climbing it with ease to get herself close to the brick wall and jump over so that she could re-join those who had come looking for her. [b]Equipment:[/b] A rather tall scepter, about a foot taller than she is. It is made of pearl and atop, there is a blue, crystal sphere. She has found it more than useful, along with her family, seeing that it controls any water that is within range of it. It has been passed down for generations. On either side of Jade's hips rest dual wield blades that have managed to keep her alive through her adventures. [b]Ability/Magic/Technology:[/b] Jade posses the ability to conjure and gather every water molecule that she is able to sense, whether it be from someone's sweat, plant perspiration, or puddles near by. With enough stamina and concentration, the woman can form from a small sphere of water the size of a soccer ball, to a sphere that could engulf a grown adult and completely drown them within. This is only used if, by some chance, Jade has lost her scepter and her blades. She's not too fond ms of technology, and has a distaste in firearms although her marskmanship would have people think otherwise. [/hider]