: Branton listened closely as you asked your questions, nodding with each individual one. "Yes, I do realize none of them are like you. In fact, all of them will have a problem disappearing... quiet a big problem actually. They all still have warrants for them. I lied too them about fixing it, I had to. They wouldn't have come, and would have been taken into custody. And we need more people like them. Like you." he said, waving his arms out towards you as he mentioned you. "The creature, yes. We've seen a few like that before... but haven't ever truly dealt with them. They usually just appear, sniff around for a little while, then disappear. We know these beasts are strong, and have power beyond our knowledge... but this newest one was the strongest we've seen yet." he said, his face starting to turn grim with his words. The room changed too, to match his mood. The windows behind him started to darken, until they faded away completely, to reveal the regular wall behind him. He listened too your last question, and leaned backwards to think about an answer. He seemed to forget about it for a second, when he pulled up his computer through his desk, looked at it, then sent it away again. "It appears so. There is another 'faction', to use your own word, that I've been talking with recently. They have kept themselves underground for a long time, however. But they plan on surfacing soon, to push us out of the way." he said, turning away from you to look at his blank wall, turning it back into a window that revealed Waseda University from the perspective of a hidden camera somewhere. "Deployment is inevitable. How do you feel about getting back into the field? As the team leader of this new group of trainees?" he asked, turning back around to look at you for your answer, as the window faded away again. He knew your answer already, though. "Training for the new recruits starts tomorrow, Dr. Fukio has already sent me a schedule for their training tomorrow. It would do them good to have you there to show them the ins and outs. They'll be woken up early to be shown Fukio's lab and handed their gear, they'll meet you in training room Zelta when they're finished."