[center] Name: Solomon Ambrosius Age: 28 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'2", With tawny skin and well muscled. He has a moderately large, silky beard that reaches his chest. HIs hair is black and reaches past his shoulder blades, and he generally wears it either loose, in a pony tail, or a high bun. [hider=My Hider] [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/076/b/7/three_kingdom_guan_yu_with_modern_look_by_scyao-d5ybu6y.jpg[/img] [/hider] Kingdom: Earth Kingdom Persona: Serious and honorable, Solomon is a the near-epitome of a knight. however, he is also very blunt and a bit tactless, and lies through omission. However he is also kind and gentle when he needs to be. Post Example: Solomon Ambrosius was a solemn man, saying little and smiling less. But as he watched the children frolicking in the grain fields in his village's communal farming plot, he could not help but smile sadly at the sight. The children were refugees from the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom, and their parents had died shortly after they had arrived. His family had been appointed the marquess of the border region, and had faithfully guarded it from incursions from raiders, and more recently, Water and Air kingdom invaders. The children had been adopted by some of the family's household staff, and were adjusting to their new life. The pitiful groan at his feet returned his attention to the matter that was before him. The reason why the children were orphans laid at his feet. The family had hired a guide to take them to the Ambrosius' manor, but on the road were confronted by bandits, and he fled the family. Solomon had been patrolling with some of his soldiers when they had come upon the man, fleeing on his horse. Apprehending him, the soldiers forced his story out. When the man was finished with his tale, Solomon ordered him arrested, and taking 5 of his group of 10, swiftly rode to the scene. The bandits were toying with the children, having already killed the parents, when Solomon and his contingent burst through the brush. Seeing the cruelty before him, he smote three of the 15 bandits in one blow, caving their chests with the force of his blade. It was not a battle, not even a skirmish, lasting shorter than 5 minutes as Solomon butchered the bandits in rage. Eventually 5 of the bandits, who had just moved into the area, surrendered and when Solomon returned to the manor, he had them hanged. Now the head of his blade, an ancestral glaive given to his ancestor by a Sky Kingdom knight, rested above the treacherous guide's neck, not breaking skin. "By your cowardice and dishonor a grave crime has happened. You who carries the horn of the Guide's Guild, who faltered in your duty, who did not sound your horn to alert the manor to your plight, prostrate yourself before my feet to receive your just due." Solomon declared, as he raised the glaive above his head, "You have failed your duty, and in turn made me fail mine. To the Shadowy Isles I dismiss you from this life." The kneeling man, feeling his end nigh, attempted to escape his restraints and let a pitiful cry as the blade seperated his body form his head. "Burn in hell, dishonorable scum," Solomon sneered at the beheaded corpse, "and return not to plague me any further." Equipment: -Enchanted Glaive/Guandao called Emerald Wyvern (See above pic): An enchanted weapon that raises the users physical capabilities to superhuman levels. It also enchanted to never break, never rust, and never dull. (50 lbs) -Enchanted Armor: His Ancestral suit of armor that can blocking any piercing attack, and reduce blunt force to the covered areas. see pic below [hider=image] [img]http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/smite.gamepedia.com/thumb/1/1b/T_GuanYu_Default_Card.png/250px-T_GuanYu_Default_Card.png?version=58d9f21ecdb6a9093fb99c94c0a0d568[/img] [/hider] Ability/Magic/Technology: Almost unnaturally skilled with the glaive, Solomon has few tricks up his sleeves. while strong enough to wield the heavy glaive skillfully in one hand, the glaive makes him even stronger and faster. His family, the Ambrosius name which is derived from the old Earth Kingdom tongue for immortal, is well known for their healing magic, for both themselves and their allies. Other than this, Solomon has no other abilities. [/center]