[quote=@The Mad Hatter] I'm considering whether I should write another IC post, or wait till everyone has posted once... I'm not gonna keep having as much time as I have these days (Thursday (today) is Feast of Ascension, which is a holiday that we actually get off in Denmark and because we're such a lazy people, we just take Friday off as well), so it'd make sense to try and build a foundation for my characters while I can... I'm going to the Fair, though, so it'll be a couple of hours till I have the time to write, anyways, and I have no clue how long it's going to take me to write, so maybe there's time for people to post anyways and I'm worrying over nothing. [/quote] Since Piper doesn't live in the HQ (and probably doesn't go there yet), you can post before I get my first one up (since I don't know when I can eek out some time currently). And I guess I'll add to my to do list to update Piper's first impressions to include Boo.