Against his better judgement, he followed after the scent of the three girls. It wasn't long until he got close to the dump. [i]"Good thing I jog every morning."[/i] With piles and piles of trash everywhere, Kalib worried he might have a hard time looking for them. But then he heard the most gut-wrenching scream ever that made him screech to a halt in surprise and a bit of fear. "Holy Je- ! What in the world was that?!" Running to the junkyard's entrance, the omega cautiously walked through the trash maze in search of his pactmates. As he peeked around a corner, he saw his fellow omega hunched over Anton's body. Shock overcame him, it was like he didn't recognize Fay or that she [i]wasn't[/i] Fay. But she was and that was the scary part. The stink of blood was everywhere and Kalib could see the red life coming out from Anton's head. He couldn't see Jesse anywhere but hoped she was alright.