[center][img] http://i.imgur.com/oCxBSWO.jpg?1 [/img][/center] [center][h1][u] Isen’roy Dullan, “Phoenix”[/u][/h1][/center] [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 30 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] He was not named [i]Phoenix[/i] without reason. Isen’roy often stands in the battlefield as a red speck amongst the typical grey armoured soldiers. The man stands at 5’9 and weighs a 170 pounds, his weight mostly due to muscle mass. He has bright red hair, the bulk of it being neck length with the exception of a pony tail that drops below his shoulders. He has crimson red eyes and sharp facial features making him known for his fierce lion-like look. He is dressed in his tribe’s signature red robes. [u][b]Kingdom[/b][/u] The Earth Kingdom (Exiled) [u][b]Persona[/b][/u] Despite being an exile, Isen’roy gives off the same strong and noble aura that one might expect from a general. Every single one of his movements exude pride and confidence. He is not pragmatic and instead acts according to his own impulses. He does not attempt nor sees the need to accommodate to others. Isen’roy does have a nicer side though, he is empathetic to those close to him and he greatly values friendship. [u][b]Post Example[/b][/u] [i]“In case you were wondering,” said the bandit in what almost passed as a friendly tone, leaning casually on the pommel of his war hammer as if it was a fashion accessory, “this is the part where you’re supposed to offer to pay for our drinks.” Isen’roy clicked his tongue in annoyance. He had disguised himself in a robed hood to avoid any commotion. He had visited a village on the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom so he could procure simple supplies. “It would do you good if you backed off, here and now.” As the man with the war hammer roared with laughter and opened his mouth to reply, a second –a burly man with a short sandy cropped hair – leaned on the shaft of his spear as he started laughing. “Would you listen to him, Gark? Oooooh, we’re both so scared now.” The entire pub was silent. Onlookers darted their eyes back and forth as they sneaked looks at the two large men threatening Isen’roy. Even the bartender was trying to avert his gaze. He had no intentions of getting broken bones because he tried to save a complete stranger. Isen’roy clicked his tongue yet again, this time taking his hood off as he did so. It took a moment before it dawned upon them who they were messing around with. There was no mistaking that bright red hair and the fierce crimson gaze that seemingly cut through them. “Wha-what the hell is the [i]Phoenix[/i] doing here?!” yelped the man with the sandy hair. Even after laying low for several years, the public still had not forgotten his face. As he watched their reactions, Isen’roy gave an evil grin. "Who knows?" He swung his fist.[/i] [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u] [i]Impetus.[/i] A red two handed, double-edged sword that has a dull blade. One might argue about the effectiveness of the weapon. What use is a sword with a dull edge? Regardless, it is made from rubite ore, an extremely dense and durable metal that has the unique property of retaining heat. [b][u]Ability/Magic/Technology:[/u][/b] Isen’roy possess no magic talent whatsoever. Instead, he focuses on melee combat and uses high speed movement as well as unorthodox fighting methods to defeat his foes. He does not rely on strategy nor does he possess the capabilities of creating one, Isen’roy is purely an ‘instinct’ type warrior. His physical feats are astounding. He is capable of swinging [i]Impetus[/i] around at incredible speeds; the generated friction and heat allows the blunt edge to slice through even the toughest armaments. A signature move of Isen'roy is to run at high speeds while rotating his blade, essentially turning him into a giant fireball.