James awoke in something that he did not see coming. the never ending void of space. James screamed in panic but quickly realized that he was sleeping dreaming and looked around. he then saw something that had haunted him for years. he saw two ship a big battleship and his small corvette under fire from a giant fleet . And then everything went black. When he saw again he was in his cockpit looking at his youger self who was shooting at the enemy. Then he heard the comms rattle and he knew what was about to happen next he closed his eyes and ears trying not to hear or see but it did not work. "James get your ass out of hear ill handle these bastards." his younger self screamed." are you mad im not leaving my brother left behind to die." then the radio went dead and his youngerself and his present self saw how his brothers ship exploded. " WILSON NOOOO." tears runing down his face younger James fled crying like a baby as he did. and then everything went black again. this time he was in a big room he was surounded bye his family dead friends lovers girlfriends his children and his wife. all saying the same thing again ans again." its all your fault its all your fault its all your fault." James was terified and started screaming." Im sorry im so sorry please i tried to protect you i tried !!!." they dident dtop and just went on going and going." stop stop stooooop !!!!!!" He woke up coverd in sweat and then slowly started to cry trying not to let the rest of the crew hear him. His ai came to him and for a long time she was actually nice to him.[color=00aeef] " shhhh its over now its all over." [/color]