Baker had been prepared to unload into the men if they had tried to make a scene but someone beat him to it. Baker glanced over at the man with the smoking gun and frowned. He didn't feel the need to thank this man nor did he really feel the need to correct him on the "boy" comment, but after it was said and done he sighed and checked the pockets of the dead men. There was nothing of use here, nothing that could give him any of the information he would have needed. The guy in the poncho had really put a dent in his plan at this point. What Baker did do was take the money from the dead outlaws' pockets and go to the bar counter, where he placed it all before the bartender. [color=9e0b0f]"Sorry about that, they'll pay for the mess."[/color] He said before leaving the saloon and tailing after the man in the poncho. He soon caught up to him in town and spoke clearly to him. [color=9e0b0f]"Nice wet work, but I needed one alive. You mind telling me who you are?"[/color] Baker asked, in more of a tone of a demand rather than a question.