Allright before the to starts here are some rules regarding posts 1.) Post must have a minimal of 2 paragraphs. If you want to do more then that's fine. Heck it would be great. 2.) This is an roleplay that most surrounds magic and nearly impossible feats so get creative and descriptive with your posts especially when your fighting. 3.) There must be at least 2 posts after your before you post again. That way there is a fair amount of turns between role play. Locations: Outside dungeon: Babel Plaza-This is the main shopping area for adventurers and non adventurers alike. The area is comprised of many stands and shops for equipment, armor, accessories, and every day things. Surprisingly enough this area is still in the vicinity of the Tower of Babel where most purchases are made for the best equipment. Black Soil Fields- This area is mostly used for farming and agriculture. The soil is black which according to Eqyptian Myths signifies fertile land. The fields are rich with nutrients and the animals raised are healthy and large. The Cauldron- A pub that is popular among adventurers for cheap and tasty food. It also works as a part time inn for new adventurers. Adventurers HQ- This area is where you will turn in magic stones and item drops from the creatures you slated in the dungeons for currency. Platinum, gold, silver, and bronze are the current exchange currency. There is also quests that can be filled out here for adventurers wanting make a little more money. Familia Lodgings- each familia has their own place of stay. Where you put it is up to you as is everything else. (When you post about your familia make sure post it as a location)