Solanne listened carefully to what the Word Weaver had to say, eye arching in plain interest. She stood in the back of their merry crowd of forty-two, resting in a corner with her arms crossed. Some of these people would know her as the infamous Crimson Hound; though depending on who you were, she was either a hero or a thief. Not that the labels ever mattered to her. The pursuit of adventure and maybe a little cash had drawn her out of the Sky Kingdom’s borders-as if that floating heap ever had any-and into this strange little place. Not to mention cramped. The next time someone “breathed” on her, she wouldn’t hesitate to punch their lights out. The notion of teams made a grin creep up onto the Crimson Hound’s visage. It was always nice to work with other people, and she had always been taught that more people working on the same goal made the time fly by. So when the Word Weaver was finally done speaking and gestured for the present warriors to mingle, Solanne remained at her little spot off to the side. “No need to go around causing trouble,” she told herself. “Might as well let them come to me first. That way they have no excuse for getting beat by a girl!” Odds were, the only ones that would talk to her would be the creeps that’d hit on her or the ones wanting to picking a fight. That’s generally how these things tended to go, at least in her experience. Who knew? Maybe she’d actually find some excitement from this job after all. So the redhead waited, closing her eyes and taking the time to crack her knuckles. Her mind wandered off to the old days with her old partner before they parted paths. The Crimson Hound and the Black Assassin. Now those were some fun times. Still, one never knew what fate had in store for them all. With the rise of the monsters, simple thievery became the least of any village’s worries. In a sense, Solanne supposed she was here on some grand journey for justice and self-fulfillment. To bring light and hope back into an ever fading world…. Solanne snorted at her own thoughts. “Yeah right! I just want a free meal and some cash!” The Crimson Hound snickered good-heartedly to herself as the people moved around her stationary form.