"why did yo do that in my-" before James could finish his sentence they where out of warp and looking straight into a blockade of 10 destyroyers of the linden wood conglomerate. a messgage was sent to his comm." we know you hace two ai,s aboard your ship surrender now and we will not open fire. And with that James talked into his comm saying." ladies and gentalmen this is your captain speaking as you are aware we are could be boarded any second now so if some of you could please get to a turret and start fireing on the enemy that would be greatly apreciated." He then went back to his seat and said to hizi to leave and then he said one simple thing to the blockade." Hey conglomerate? SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND."[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aet9wYHaufk[/url] he then fired his lazer cannons blowing up one of the destroyers and then put full throttle to his ship."evi take control of the shields and use a engine boost on my command. 3 2 1 NOW!!". The speed of the ship was amazing and it flew right through the blockade.[color=00aeef]" WE have six squadrenss gaining on us sir." [/color]James who needed to blow of some steam after his nightmare screamed into the comm channel. " get your asses in a turret now dammit"!!! While trying not to get hit byr the enemy fighter wings.