[center][b]Name:[/b] Hazel Daphiat [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Hazel is a youthful girl with soft white skin, framed by a cascade of long straight light red hair that reaches down to the small of her back. She has a small frame, which is exaggerated by her small stature, as she stand at a meager 4'8". Hazel has a heart-shaped face adorned with deep green eyes. Despite her comparatively small stature she carries an air of confidence, walking with a surefooted gait that seems to exude some deep power hidden in her small body, oft earning the attention of those around her. Even though you might think she would slip by unnoticed due to her size it seems that she is often noticed simply due to this odd aura she has. However her cute appearance and seemingly commanding air hides the truth of her... [b]Kingdom:[/b] Sky Kingdom [b]Persona:[/b] Hazel is a terrible person. She has been described as stubborn, brash, overconfident, presumptuous, mean, egotistical, hot-headed, wrathful, and vain. Her defining feature is her cocksureness: As far as she is concerned she has no equal in the fields of spellcraft, beauty, and charm. She thinks herself absolutely witty and charming even if this is entirely untrue. She is often rude to strangers, and feels a sense of superiority over her peers. She is wrathful and petty and never gives up on a grudge. She has an amazingly short fuse and is very readily angry, having absolutely no control over her emotions, going from seemingly happy to angry in the span of seconds. This has all been fed by the fact that she is indeed very powerful and pretty, and the fact that she is a hormonal teenager who happens to be one of the most powerful mages to be produced by the Sky Kingdom. She does, however, have a few redeeming traits. She is very studious and determined. She did not just gain her power from natural ability, but also years of research and training. She is also a loyal friend, despite what some may think. She currently has none, so if she were to happen upon people that she can call 'friend' she would fight for and protect them fiercely. However Hazel wears this persona like a mask. In reality her outward attitude is her overcompensating to hide her real feelings. Her overwhelming overconfidence hides the deep sadness she feels due to her past. She has convinced herself that she is above others so she doesn't feel the toll of not having a person to truly call her friend. Her overwhelming anger and wrath is a vent, a way to release the hatred she feels towards the world. In truth Hazel is just a lonely girl that wishes someone would love her, because she has found no love from family or friends. [b]Post Example:[/b] The world turned red. Hazel knew this feeling. It was pain. Excruciating and overwhelming. But it was not physical pain. Instead it came from deep inside, and it exploded, lashing out, seeking any target possible for her wrath. It seemed that everything was distant. She wasn't her. She was not Hazel Daphiat. She was not scared, or lonely, or sad. She was all malice. It was pain, but it felt good, because she knew she had power. She knew they were afraid. She knew that they knew that she could destroy a block of buildings if they pushed her the wrong way. And the fear made her feel powerful. In short, her anger was hot and vicious and she couldn't possibly more furious. She huffed aloud and turned her attention to the servant who was now begging for her forgiveness. "What do you think you are doing?! Are you [i]trying[/i] to anger me?!" Hazel's small staff of servants were completely incompetent. Hazel was keep under close watch by the Sky Kingdom, but one of the perks afforded by her status as a mage with such great potential was that they took [i]very[/i] good care of her, as her parents were unfortunately unable to fulfill the task, dead as they were. She was kept in a fancy estate that was more of a prison then a home, but she enjoyed a great degree of luxury. Knowing her fiery temper they thought it best to appease her, which worked most of the time, except when someone made a mistake. The servant was still stammering apologies. Hazel look back down at her dress, now richer a small wine stain due to the server's incompetence. She turned around, seeking out the head of her household, the closest thing to a 'caretaker' the young girl, the head servant that seemed to be the only semi-competent person around. "Winston! I want him fired immediately!" He nodded. "Yes m'lady, I'll take care of it right away. The bumbling fool was escorted out. The room quickly emptied, and all that remained were a pair of guards. [i]They're not my guards, they're my jailers.[/i] She knew it in the back of her head. All of this luxury she was given, all of the servants, dresses, expensive things, it was all to contain her. It worked, but a part of her knew what was happening. More than anything, she wanted a taste of freedom. She counted. It had been 10 years since she had spent a day in the world outside of her solitary prison. But the time would come soon. Soon, she would no longer be a captive, but would instead be given away as a military asset. It was a continent way for the Sky Kingdom to get rid of a very volatile problem. [b]Equipment:[/b] Hazel does not use sword, shields, hammers, bows, arrows, axes, maces, or any sort of martial weapon. She is above that. As for armor she also possesses none. Armor to her is a hindrance, and after all, why would one as powerful as her have need of barbaric protection like that? Magic and her natural talents are all Hazel thinks she needs. [b]Ability/Magic/Technology:[/b] Hazel is a completely inept fighter, but instead has the gift of magic. Incredibly powerful magic. The flame of magic burns brightly within her, and she has studied for as long as she could read to expand her talent. She knows magic of all sorts, but has a propensity for destruction. Whether it be through a great conflagration, or a massive earthquake, or a large clap of thunder summoned down upon her opponent, or even a blast of sheer arcane energy, she can bend the power of nature to destroy and demolish. However her talents are not only limited to destruction, as she has studied a great many schools of magic: She is versed in the arts of healing, illusion, the power to strengthen and empower others, and to use her power to manipulate the world around her. While some focus on one magical field and learn every in and out of it, Hazel instead knows many magical skills but has not become a true master in any.[/center]