Huzuni, who had never been on a situation like this, decided to go to the turret, but since he never used one, or anything simular, he trying pushing random buttons, accidently blowing up a part of an enemy ship. "Hmf, This will be "[i]fun[/i]", I hope we can get out of this sooner or later." He started firing randomly against the ship that was chasing their's, hopefully landing a few shots. What he didn't know, is that the turrets, altough had pretty much infinite ammo, had an [color=ed1c24]overheat[/color] system, where you can only fire when the turret is not in [color=ed1c24]overheat[/color], if it is, then it'll shutdown until it cools of. "[b]Work dangit[/b]! If we were face to face I'd show them who's supperior here..." He said with a growly tone. "Hey! Could someone help me with this? I'm having some dificulties!" He said, using his helmet to make the sound go arround the ship, making the other members know he's in the need of help.