"You see, I [i]have[/i] wanted to ask questions. To find out more. However, there are things you can learn more from not asking questions. For example, from not asking anything, I have learned that you are quite awkward." Belle gives a giggle, reaching up to Penny. The bird, still not impressed with Belle's words from earlier, gave Belle a small zap with her tail, on one of the lowest settings. "Hey, lil bugger." Belle says, looking at Penny with raised eyebrows and a smile that said she was more amused than hurt. "Hun, I'm [i]sorry[/i]." She says. The bird flaps it's wings and hops onto her shoulder, nuzzling Belle's cheek. "She's quite... I'm not even sure how to say it, but I like it. I always have." Belle says to Ramia. Suddenly, the voice of the captain rang out, and Belle straightened. "You heard the captain. I'll see you around, I hope!" Belle says, before dashing to find where a turret was. "Penny, see if you can scavenge parts, just some spare metal and whatever. I need something to work with when upgrading Artyem's robot, and you ain't gonna help much in a space battle. Oh, and wireless link to the datapad, please. Go text." Belle unhooks her datapad from her toolbelt and hands the toolbelt over to Penny. The bird, for it's size, was strong enough to lift the belt and fly away. Penny, herself, had already made a connection to Belle's datapad, and Belle saw the text as she mounted a turret. [i]Why make me carry this thing?[/i] Belle laughs, beginning to operate the turret.