Ramia was about to give Belle a snark filled comment, but instead shook her head and quickly climbed to the cockpit of the Guardian. She activated the Flight Suit and turned on the communications systems. "McLoyed, would you be a nice chap and close off the 2nd storage room/hangar from the rest of the ship and open the door to the outside? Oh and please depressurize the room, I'd hate to have all the stuff flying around." The Guardian straightened up and took position on the exit ramp. "There isn't much I can do with this thing, but at least I'm more used to the Anti Flight Suit MG's than a turret." Ramia hoped the the leg situated boosters could give her at least a few minutes of flight time before they'd stop working completely. For the time being the scanners showed that the damn things were still operational to a degree - though the efficiency counter was ticking down from 24%. Still the Halcyon General smiled.