As soon as the word conglomerate was thrown out, Artyem bolted out of his bunk. Getting up, Jack was beginning to ready his rifle. Artyem tossed his rifle to him, and still clad in his armor, made his way to one of the remaining turrets. Running his hands through the haphazard display, Artyem set the turret to a three round burst, and began leading one of the fighters. Quickly depressing the trigger, Artyem hit the ship square in it's engine. As the ship blew up, he quickly swiveled around to cover Huzuni as his turret cooled down. [i]"How did they find us so fast?[/i] he messaged Jack. [i]"I do not know, though I have a few ideas.[/i] Jack replied near instantly, "They must have been tracking us through their proxy companies." Snarling to himself, Artyem blew another ship to smithereens. Keeping an eye on his heat meter, He made sure to keep the gun below 50%. Looking at his radar, he saw at least 15 more ships coming at them. Yelling towards James, he shouted, "Hey, those ships are drones pioleted by an AI, yah think you can hack 'em?"