James was having fun. It had been a while that he had done this but the old feeling was back the adrenaline the old star wars music the explosions. " i havent had this much than that one time on vermilion 2. He then got a call from Ramia or as he would her ice queen. Asking him to open the airlock. " Will do ice queen have fun down there and remeber be back for dinner." He was just had opend the airlock when hizi came in and bye the looks of him he did not look good. When he collapsed however his alarmbels started Ringing " fuck fuck fuck! I wish i hired a goddamm medical driod Well i cant help now. EVI try to get him working again. Evi quickly tried to Enter the mans suit but was thrown out of the system."[color=00aeef] I cant Enter its half biological you did not desgin me for that idiot."[/color] Wel exuse me Princess im kinda Busy trying to not crash the ship. Is he stable?. "" [color=00aeef]Yes but if whe dont do something to his wounds soon his Health Will decline."[/color]" Roger that" He then contaced Artyem." Dident you used to work for these Guys"? What the hell did you do to Piss them of and Whats with a second ai? What is that andriod of yours anyway."!!