Ramia smirked and simply closed the comm before she activated the thrusters. The Guardian flew above the ship and landed surprisingly gracefully on top of it, attaching itself to the hull with magnets. "Damnit, I have no idea what type of fighters those things are..." The dark haired woman muttered to herself and readied the Guardian's arm mounted MG's. "...Well here goes nothing..." Two bursts of high caliber fire took out the four closest fighters with ease. Ramia turned the Guardian ever so slightly to get a better field of view while utilizing the human like articulation of the Flight Suit to her advantage. Judging by the quickly dwindling fighters the Halcyon General was if nothing else a far above average gunner. She activated the comm again. "Ice queen to Mr. Suave and impolite, I'm going after the closest of the destroyers. Might need covering fire." The Guardian's leg thrusters moved to full power and sent the Flight Suit towards the closest destroyer. Ramia smirked and readied the dual MG's again - this time she'd have to aim exactly on a certain weak spot on the ship to disable it. She took a deep breath, concentrated and aimed well. When she felt that she was at the optimal firing position she opened fire.