Name: Harley "Black Devil" Hapkins. Age:17 Height: 66 inches. Weight: 147 lbs. Appearance: He is in his late teens. His youth evident in his flawless bronze skin, giving him the look of an immaculate bronze idol. His eyes are a deep sapphire blue, bright and curious, framed by long, thick eyelashes that are almost feminine. His features are like that of an expertly made statue, glowing and perfect. His black brows are arched and slender, shaped perfectly for his almond shaped eyes. His nose is small with a slender bridge, under it resides a pair of full lips, a shade darker than the rest of his skin. His cheekbones are, however, the main attraction, sharp blade-like structures that dominate his face, giving him an aristocratic, almost commanding look. His body contains no fat, so, though he is slim, he is pure muscle. Kingdom: Sky Persona: Harley is mentally...unstable. To say the least.Having lost his mother and father to bandits then having been beaten bloody and sold into slavery by said bandits, his charming grins and sly winks are nothing but gates closing off the bruised being inside. Harley is confident, as he was put through rigorous training when enslaved, and more after escaping at the age of 13, though he is given to depression and anxiety at any given time, especially when facing a foe far stronger than himself is he given to self-doubt, however, when not in battle, or a heavy depression, he is a charming, kind and loyal friend. Post Example:Crack! The whip burned on his sweaty back, however he knew if he showed pain, he'd be kicked, and if he showed pain then, he'd be kicked more until he was half dead, and be forced to continue bricking, as he called it. Making bricks, inspecting bricks, moving bricks, removing bricks, damned bricks. He couldn't use his powers, he was outmatched. He might escape someday, today wasn't it though. However, after three years of this, in one of his rhyming sessions(it's easier to work when you're distracted by rhyming), a red mist started forming around him, and a demoness appeared before him, she eyed the boy carefully and said: "Hmm, usually don't see such young buyers, well I'm not here to judge, just sell." Harley stared rudely at her..ears, not noticing that everyone around him was frozen in time remarked: "Buying? I don't have any money, and I didn't ask for anything, who are you? Are you a real demon?" The boy's rambling slowly quieted as she silenced him with a glare. She then said: "Enough, the purchase is made, I'll be taking your joy now. Farewell." She blew him a kiss and the haze slowly dissipated along with the demoness and time returned to the area. Harley looked down at his hands and noticed two, very elaborate, very sharp, very magical looking sabres in his hands, rather, melded to his hands, and he noticed several guards approaching, "Now or never." said he, and within moments he'd dispatched the guards, then things went black. That was four years ago, now with the stories that he'd heard, he knew he'd have to do something, someone of his caliber couldn't sit around while this happened, so he prepared himself for the oncoming adventure.(Yeah, this sucks, didn't use proper story structure, but I tried to make it at least good enough so that it doesn't give everyone cancer. Gear: He carries two sabres enchanted by a demon to give the user incredible acrobatic prowess, strength and reaction time. Once wielded, however, he must take a single life before he can unwield them. And after prolonged use(more than 30 mins) they will begin to make him violently enraged until unwielded. Magic/Abilities/Technique: Harley has the ability to teleport within a small radius, and to, when high on adrenaline, focus so that his reaction time and perception is triple that of a normal human for brief bursts.(pretty much a spider sense type deal, or Sharingan, whatever makes more sense to yourself). Along with his sabres, his natural affinity for magic makes Harley a, powerful hand-to-hand combatant, able to focus energy into attacks, he can throw a punch or kick that would send a normal man flying, and break some bones. He can also use the same technique to jump incredibly high.