You're really trying this full on: "LeeRoy's the devil, he doesn't agree with my opinion so he must reject all those who enter and try to voice their opinion. He's intentionally alienating a subgroup because of an opinion that someone else has." Except the real truth is: LeeRoy finds the discussion about whether or not guns are balanced actually stupid. Even if I disagree with you; My opinion, and by association your opinion, don't fuckin' matter. Nobody has to agree with what anyone else has to say. Nobody has to agree with anybody. Being offended just means you're not in charge of your own emotions. Censorship is stupid. And arguing is really just a method for people to vent frustrations about a topic all while Demonizing the person they're arguing with. Alright? We won't agree on this, and I'm literally the last person to say this, I love arguing. But we should finish this argument now, because it's just going to keep circling into itself.