Jade looked around from person to person, studying the new faces one by one. She tried to keep her attention on the elderly man speaking but what he spoke of was pretty much common sense by now. She had already heard talk of what they'd be doing. Kind of. She only turned around when the man mentioned working in groups. It was something Jade knew was imminent, yet she still cringed at the sound of it. The young woman knew one person in this entire group and she stood next to him, only because half of the people here looked like they would be willing to snap whoever in half. It was slightly unfortunate that her survival would depend on some of these people to have her back. Once the man had told them to socialize, Jade looked over at Reiner and opened her mouth to speak, but stopped herself when she heard a bit of commotion coming from two males who radiated tension. She grimaced at the amount of hostility that each person seemed to give off and sighed, letting her eyes study the others once again. "Bunch of hot heads, huh?" Her voice was low and soft, loud enough for Reiner to hear but quiet enough to stay unheard due to the forty-some conversations going on. The woman's blue eyes lingered on a small female not too far from where she stood, curiosity causing her brow to furrow. [i]'How old is this girl?'[/i] she thought, wondering what the age limit was, if there was one. She paid no attention to the female when their eyes made brief contact and continued to study the next female that stood next to the small girl. She knew who that was.. Or at least knew of her. The Crimson Hound is what many called her. "I feel like females would be more dangerous than men..... They're a bit more conniving." Jade took her eyes off of the one known as the Crimson Hound and glanced at Reiner, giving him a playful smirk before deciding to walk off to continue observing. The ongoing altercation with the two men meant little to her as she walked past them. The Meredith was on a mission to find people that were at least semi trustworthy, but she'd have to settle for doing it after eating a meal.