Harry watched the boy carefully from the back of his radcycle as Has'la chatted with him. He seemed innocent enough, and he was certainly in need of assistance, but Harry's nerves were still on edge. It just didn't feel right for someone to be wandering so far out of town by themselves without any sort of support, and no injuries. He'd have expected the bandits to have already picked up the straggler and either robbed him, recruited him or eaten him. His eyes slipped down to the kid's guns, still hanging at his sides. 'He must have some skill with those things if he's managed to last this long,' Harry thought to himself, still wondering how easily he could get hold of those guns himself, if only for a quick inspection to see how they worked. Pulling his attention away from the boy Harry glanced off down the road and spotted a smear on the horizon. With a whirring click he activated the zoom function on his optic, closing his other eye as he did to avoid disorientation. The smear quickly snapped into focus, as though it were almost right in front of Harry, but that didn't help. All he could see was a dust cloud, and if there was anyone hiding in it he couldn't tell from this distance. Harry quickly snapped through a few other visual modes, scanning for heat sources and chemical composition, but still the traces were inconclusive. Snapping his eye back to normal functioning Harry's hand reached back and pulled his rifle back onto the handlebars again as he looked towards his business partner. They'd need to be moving soon, otherwise they were going to be picked off, either by whatever it was approaching down the road or by an ambush led by the kid, Harry could almost feel the bullets and energy blasts already and his trigger finger was beginning to get twitchy. Twisting around in his seat Harry looked back towards the Jeep. Neither of the girls seemed to have moved since they left the town and Harry began to wonder if the ambush was a lot closer to home than he'd first thought. Had he fallen for an old trick and let himself be lured out of town by a gang ready to rob him? Perhaps flashing his power cells in the bar hadn't been such a good idea after all. With one hand on his rifle Harry moved the other onto the handlebars, giving the radcycle's engine a quick pump with his pedal to make sure it was running and ready to go in case the shit hit the fan. He was reassured as the throaty grumble rose between his legs, the comfortingly familiar voice of his best friend letting him know everything was going to be okay.